Benefits of Becoming a Member Include:

  • Professional affiliation for the work you do
  • Access to state-wide professional resources and colleagues
  • Involvement in sub-committees focused on a variety of topics. 
  • 20% reduced rates at offered conferences and trainings (Full Members only)
  • Informational updates on relevant local and national news
  • A quarterly Letter from the President on what MI-ATSA is working on

Full Membership: This membership level is for those who are also national ATSA members. By applying for this membership, I am agreeing to further the mission & goals of ATSA and MI-ATSA, and that I am a member in good standing with ATSA. 

Affiliate Membership: This membership level is for those who are not national ATSA members. By applying for this membership, I am agreeing to further the mission & goals of ATSA and MI-ATSA. I understand that this is not a voting membership and that only full members, who are also ATSA members, can be directors.

Sponsored Student Membership: This membership level is for students of higher education who have been sponsored by MI-ATSA. By applying for this membership, I am agreeing to further the mission & goals of ATSA and MI-ATSA. I understand that this is not a voting membership and that only full members, who are also ATSA members, can be directors. I understand that this membership must be approved by the MI-ATSA Board of Directors.

Level Price Action
Full MIATSA Member

$25.00 per year.

Membership expires on December 31, 2025.

Affiliate MIATSA Membership

$35.00 per year.

Membership expires on December 31, 2025.

Sponsored Student

One year membership.

Membership expires on December 31, 2025.
