An Alternative Path for Healing from Sexual Violence for Victims and Offenders

By Jessica Hamp LMSW “Healing from Sexual Violence: The Case for Vicarious Restorative Justice” should be required reading for anyone working with individuals with histories of problematic sexual behaviors or those working with individuals who have experience sexual violence. Alissa Ackerman, Ph.D., and Jill Leveson, Ph.D. speak to the humanity of individuals and the connections…

Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis

By James Kissinger, M.A. LLP “Crisis doesn’t change people; it reveals them.” – Eric Walters On March 10th Governor Whitmer declared a state of emergency in response to Michigan’s first two confirmed cases of COVID-19.  By March 13th, schools across Michigan were ordered closed, large gatherings of people were banned and prison visits were restricted.…

The Role of Pornography in Sexual Offending: An Examination of Risk and Perceptions

Karen Holt, Ph.D., James Kissinger, M.A., L.L.P, Corey Spickler, M.S., L.L.P., and Vicki Rousch, L.L.P. As a collaborative effort between the Michigan Department of Corrections Sex Offender Services and Karen Holt, Ph.D. of Michigan State University, an empirical research study was developed and conducted which explored the relationship between risk as measured by risk assessment…

Empathy: The Power and The Problem

By: John Ulrich Ph.D. At the 38th ATSA Annual Conference in Atlanta Georgia, November 6-7, Paul Bloom’s keynote address “against empathy” initially seemed unusual for an organization focused on providing therapy. His presentation highlighted points from his book Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion [1]. In the everchanging standards of “what works in therapy…

Normative Sexual Development: Understanding Problematic Sexual Behaviors in Children with Geraldine Crisci at the 2019 MI-ATSA Conference

By: Marissa Smits BA and Toni Crocilla PsyD LP CSOTP The 2019 Michigan ATSA conference focused on developing an increased understanding of normative sexual development of children, and how that can inform practice with individuals who have problematic sexual behaviors. Geraldine Crisci’s expertise was evident as she provided in-depth descriptions and examples of concepts from her…

Emerging Developments in the Field of Juvenile Sexual Offending: The Risk/Treatment Needs and Progress Protocol for Juveniles (TNPS)

By Ron Grooters, LMSW The demand for predicting juveniles’ risk for future sexual offenses has taken on increasing importance in our society.  Professionals often assume there are tools available to assess youth who have committed harmful sexual behavior like the actuarial-based tools used with adults.  However, there are no robust actuarial-based risk tools that predict…